Friday, October 19, 2012

Twenty year journey with CKD in the dialysis world 10/19 by Why Wait | Blog Talk Radio

Twenty year journey with CKD in the dialysis world 10/19 by Why Wait | Blog Talk Radio

Please tune in at 12 Noon, PST on Friday, October 19, 2012.  I have been invited as a special guest on the Carol Brent Live Blog Show to chat about my 2nd book - "My Twenty Year Journey with PKD in the Dialysis World".  I am currently towards the end of completion of my 22nd year of dialysis.  I have PKD (polycystic Kidney Disease).  I had a ten year run in the beginning on Hemodialysis, and about 2 1/2 yrs. of dialysis, I received the blessing of a lst kidney transplant from a non-living donor, but due to complications with the anti-rejection meds, and my high antibody levels from a previous premature birth of my daughter (whom I am happy and proud to say, is healthy and attending San Jose State Univ. in the pre-med program in hopes of becoming a vascular surgeon someday).  I returned to Hemo, but due to complications during my 10th year, with numerous AV grafts and repairs, I had to transition to Peritoneal Dialysis (PD), when my 4th graft in my leg, began to fail.  I remain on PD, this very day, towards the end of my 12th year.  Up until 2008, I had accepted the fact, that I would remain on dialysis for my continued survival, but by the Grace of God, the IVIG procedure was created, and I am once again optimistic and hopeful to receive the blessing of a 2nd transplant.  More to share during the show tommorrow.