Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011

hi all,

The saga continues with that tech, with the nasty attitude. Well, not exactly, this story today, is in relation to her. Today, another tech, was assigned to me, and when we came in, she was so pleasant. As it was time to disconnect me from the machine, my husband arrived, and he noticed, that there was a large amount of water on the floor. This tech, immediately, investigated where this leak was coming from, and told me to get out of the chair, and sat across from her in a vacant recliner, and then she moved my recliner away from the leak, and she also notice that my tote was down on the floor, and she immediately handed that to me, so that it wouldn't get wet in the process. This tech, went and got a mop and started mopping up the water, and she then located where the leak was coming from, which it was coming from the wall behind my dialzyer. So, she immediately reported it, and then told me to sat back in the sit, after she had cleared the water, that was leaking. Now, i did bring this to her attention, about another tech, that had recently experienced this leak on her shift, and she did nothing to remedy it, i even told her, she was aware that my tote was on the floor, and she didn't have consideration to even move my tote out the way, in my opinion, she didn't want to be bother with this, and just ignored it all together. The other tech said, why didn't she report this sooner, because maybe we wouldn't still be having these leaking issues. And i just looked at the other tech, and said, because that tech, just have a nonchalant attitude, about everything to do with this unit. So, it goes to show you, all the techs, aren't evil and mean, like her. I wish they would get rid of her, because in my opinion, i don't even think she is there to help the patients, this is only a job for her, but this attitude of hers, can't continue, because i am so tempted to report every nasty disposition, that i have dealt with this particular tech. Well, that is my blogging for today, i hope i have a wonderful afternoon, after dealing with all this. I know, i will visit my neighbor farmer's market, and that will surely put a smile on my face. until next time, take care and all the best to my followers. Glo

Saturday, September 16, 2011

hi all,

it has been a few days, since my last blog entry, i really didn't have any issues or concerns for the last few days, but today, that tech, whom i have been having issues with about my time on treatment, did something very dirty today, i really don't know what she is tripping about, but it is apparent, that she doesn't like me, and for the life of me, i don't know what the hell i did to warrant this attitude from her. Well, getting back to the dirty deed that she did. I was disconnected from the dialyzer and went to do my weight. I returned and my daughter had arrived by that time, and notice, that my davita tote, was on the floor, and she notice that there was water on the floor, and she said it while that tech was busy doing something with the dialyzer, do you know she simply ignored my daughter, and continued to do whatever she was doing to the dialyzer. My tote was drenched under the bottom, but what i can't understand is, that she didn't even say i'm sorry, or even had any concern for my tote being wet. That is when i decided that she must be just hateful, for no good reason. This was the last straw, i was truly pissed off, and i said to myself, well i won't say anything to her, because i don't want to get angry, and go home, with all this negativity, so what I did however, was bring this to the attention of my neprologist. I come in,every morning and say good morning to everyone, and even try to put a smile on my face, (even with this godforsaken hour, that we have to be at the unit), but this tech, is just hateful in the morning. Well, i will be busy for the next month, with the preparation for our annual PKD walk for the cure event on Sunday, Oct 9, 2011. I will be doing a booksigning at the event as well, so i'd better get busy, ordering extra copies of my books and also personal bookmarks to give away as well. I also plan to provide, some sample appetizers from the cookbook section of my book. Well, that is it for my blogging today, Until next blog, take care

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wednesday, September 13, 2011

oh wow guys, where to start. today, 9:00AM, is my appt. to have fluid drained from around my lungs. It was started off, with the registration of course, and then five minutes later, i was called in, to be prepped for the procedure. First, the doctor, introduced herself, and then she had me sign a paper, (you know about the risk factors involved in doing this procedure). She then preceded by doing an ultra sound on my lungs, to see, how much fluid is around my left as well as my right. She viewed my right lung, and said that there wasn't as much on my right side, and then she continued by viewing my left lung, which indicated an excessive amount of fluid. She also told me, that she will only do the lung that has the most fluid, that being my left. She then tells me to undressed from the waist down. I also informed her, that i had a band on, to secure an existing umblicial hernia, and she said, can you take it off, for just about 1/2 hour. I guess that would be OK. She also ask me, when was the last time i took my aggrenox (blood thinner), and i told her Sunday, as i was instructed by her colleague, Dr. Miller. First, she numbed my back with a few injections of lidocaine, of course that hurt, but the medication itself, stung like the dickens, the needle sticks were a piece of cake, felt like a small insect bite. The needle was then inserted, and she told me, that i wouldn't feel any pain from the needle insertion, but there would be some pressure, as it was going in. While she began to drain the fluid, she kept saying it is coming out fine, but as she was filling this large glass bottle full of fluid, i started to have some intolerable discomfort, under my left arm, and then it traveled to my chest, as well as the left side of my neck, so she began to slow the flow down, by putting it in a large bag, and that was still causing me some discomfort, because i began to cough uncontrollably, but she remark with a very positive statement about that, she said it is good that you are coughing, because your lungs, are beginning to expand, so the more you cough the better. She decided to slow the process even more, by putting the remaining fluid in some large syringes. When she was finish with me, i looked behind me at the table, and saw two large bottles, a large bag, and four syringes, full of fluid, and I swear, my fluid looked like beer, with foam, and everything (lol). After she cleaned my back, from using the aesptic to sterilize the area, i put my top and bra, back on. My back felt very sore, and she told me this should subside by tommorrow, however, she gave me a prescription for pain relief, and of course, she didn't allow me to walk out, i was placed in a wheelchair, to avoid hemmoraging as much as possible. The procedure, wasn't so bad, but sitting on the edge of that hospital bed, almost to the point, of falling off, and placing my arms on a table in front of me, i was on pins and needles, while the procedure was in progress. I went home, and about four hours, i was having back spasms, i tolerated it about four times, and then i decided to take a pain killer to ease this pain, yeah, i know (i'm a weep, i don't do pain very well, ha ha!). Taking that pain killer, made me so relaxed and drowsy, i ended up sleeping most of the day. Now, that that is over, i will be seeing my neph tommorrow, and he will discuss, where do we go from here, as i was only suppose to be on hemo for about six weeks, and now i am in my 3rd month of this hemo. Until next blog, take care and all the best to my bloggers. Glo

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

hi all, i arrived at the unit at 5:15 AM, and after i took my weight - (45.9), i didn't put on much extra fluid, so it should be a pretty good run, right!. I walked over to my assigned stationed, and guess who i saw (about three machines down the way from me, tending to another patient's machine, yes, you guess it, that tech that has these issues about my time on. Well, she brought her ass over to me, and still was taking her time, setting up my machine, (in my oppinion, she is aware of my time on, so why don't she ever have my machine prepped and ready for the nurse to connect), i think she is the reason, why the nurse is never at my station, because she is not doing her part of the job, and got nerve to ask me again about my put on time, i have had quite enough of this woman's drama, and then she had the audacity, to ask me once again, what is my put on time, and of course, I've gotten a little fed up with this constant question, so i said to her, you ask me this, everytime you are assigned to me, by now, you should know my exact put on time, and then she said, but you didn't tell me what is your put on time,(all smart like), and at that moment, i thought she was being a little too vicious about all this. I remarked with, you know the same time always, 5:30 AM, by that time it was 5:22 AM, and my nurse, hadn't even come over to connect me, and i also continued the conversation with that tech, and i responded with, i know darn well you saw me when i arrived at my station, and for that matter, i think you saw me when i came in and promptly went to the scale to do my weight, i don't know for the life of me, why you have a problem with me and my scheduled put on time. She just started setup the dialzyer, and just completely ignored me. This tech has the worst bed side manner, maybe she is like this, because she has to come in so early. We patient that come in at this early hour, try to come in cheery and with a positive attitude, inspite of maybe having shortness of breath, or we are a little miserable with the weekend fluid overload, and we don't want to come in, and observe a tech having a nasty attitude, or even in a bad mood, we can do without all that noise. In my opinion, if they are having personal issues before they arrive at the unit, don't bring it to the unit, and take it out on the patients. Well finally i am on at 5:40AM. And the nurse, says she will continue to target my dry weight, so the target is 1kg. I was still so pissed at that tech, that i chatted a little with the nurse, as she was connecting me, (even talking with my mask on (lol) i remarked with, doesn't the tech assigned to my station, have to be aware of the patients time on,(i am sure it is written on the pts. chart, right! and aren't they responsible for the setting up of the machine, and the nurse, responded with, i guess so, and i said ain't no guess so in it, every other techs, besides her, always have my machine setup and ready for the connection process of the treatment. Maybe you guys need to observe the way that tech, is following protcol, where the setup of the machine is concerned, that is one reason, why i don't get on at my scheduled time, and the nurse, said maybe we will have to look into that, but there are four more catherers besides yourself, that are put on at the same time, and i said not no more, because two of them have begun to use there grafts, and the other one has returned to PD. So i remarked with, did you get three new catherer just recently, and the nurse responded with, i am not sure, i continued with, why are you not sure, you just said you have three more catherers to connect, besides myself. So, she like they usually do, just simply ignored me, (that is their way of not pressing the issue, i do think i might have caught her in a lie, right!. I wasn't born yesterday, so you can't play that side of the record anymore, with this three more besides yourself jazz. They just don't know who they are dealing with, i am a long time hemo patient from the past, just like i titled my first book - My Renal Life (i know it, i live it), i didn't peg that title for my health, i know exactly what i am talking about, hemodialysis is an old friend of mine (i don't think many of these new staff in hemo, are aware of my long dialysis history). After my treatment has begun, my daughter was in the meantime, chatting with the patient on my left, after she saw that i had gotten on, she pushed her chair over to me, i turned the TV on (provided for our entertainment viewing), The old Babar series was on, and my daughter lit up like it was christmas, that little girl, (i could see it clearly right through her eyes), (even though she is soon to be 25 yrs. old). In a way, it was a delight to see that little innocence from her past, hasn't faded away (in spite of her age, she will always be my baby). On with the treatment, after Babar went off, she told me she was going to go to the Mall for a couple of hours, and she will be back, right before my take off time. After she left, i looked over at the three other catherer patients, that started, when i returned to hemo. I ask a nurse, about them, and she gave me the story about all of them, one lady, was on temp hemo, until her graft healed, and she is now, dialyzing from her graft, and there is a gentlemen, about my age, that also had a graft that needed to heal, and he has now graduated to using his graft as well. The third patient, in her early 40's, whom i noticed hasn't been there for a few treatments, i discovered that she had returned to PD, because she was like me, had to have a hernia repaired. Now, after hearing this, you know, i felt alone, because of my latest health issues, i won't be returning to hemo for awhile, so i will have to sport this catherer accessory for a little while longer. Well that's life, i got to thinking instead of me being all negative about hemo from a cath, i should be thankful to God, that i can return to hemo, temporary, until my other health issues are remedied. You never know, even if you are doing well with your PD treatment, other health issues can arise from time to time, that will force you to return to hemo. So, in away that perm cath, (no matter how much i hate it), has been a blessing for me, so from now on. I will include in my prayers the blessing of catherer hemo. Well that is it for my blogging today, until next blog, take care and all the best to my bloggers. Oh, i almost forgot my weight after treatment - 44.9, i think that is too low, because i was cramping like a crazy fool. (lol)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

oh wow! Where to start, i have so much to share, and first i will start with my hemodialysis treatment today. For once, no one complained about the time i arrived, as i had my case manager, Ray, talk to the head about a certain tech, who is the only one that comes with that bull sh!t (excuse my french, but i was truly pissed), first of all, having to get up at 4:15 AM, and bust my ass, getting to the unit at 5:15AM, especially not having much energy or getup these days, because my lung issues, i came to the unit, looking for that so and so tech, but she was off, and the nurse, that last put me on, wasn't there either, so Ray couldn't confront them. However, the tech and nurse, that assist me with my preparation for put on, didn't say a thing, it was pleasant, and my treatment was running smoothly, until about 15 minutes before take off, i began to cramp in my left calf, and my UF, was then turned off. Believe or not, i am happy that i finally experience cramping, because that gave me an indication that i had reached my target dry weight. After she turned my UF off, i began to cramp in my right calf as well, now, that is just showing off, i wanted some cramping, but not that much cramping. It was almost like i had never stop Hemo, after ten years, it was all dejavu, just like i remembered, but what i don't want to experience, is that rapidly plummeting b/p episode,i swear it feels like you are losing touch with reality, can't hear, the vision gets severely blurred, i truly don't like this feeling. I took my weight, after i was disconnected and the usual cleansing and dressing for my catherer, i went to do my weight and it displayed - 45.2kg, after many weeks of challenging my weight,with no success, i think i had finally reached my target dry weight. Although i am still having these symptoms, excessive coughing and shortness of breath. I went home and NAP for a couple of hours. I was suppose to have a live chat with Oprah on facebook, but that didn't transpire, as i think something was truly wrong with facebook, because others registered for the live chat, left a message, that they couldn't navigate this feature on f/b. I was truly disappointed, as i had left her a message on her wall, about the possibility of talking about CKD, which is very seriously on the rise in this country and all over the world for that matter. I mentioned about spreading the awareness of CKD, and urge people to get tested for possible early stage CKD, so that preventive measures can be taken to help in prolonging or even in some cases, reverse the progression of CKD, especially those with a history or family history of diabetes and/or high blood pressure (2 of the main causes of CKD). After the nurse at the unit, checked my lungs, he said it was very diminished on the right side, and they called my neph, to have an x-ray done. After i returned home, after the x-ray, an hour later, a doctor called about discussing the possibility of doing a procedure to drain the fluid from around my lungs, and he also said i had a collapsed lung, and this wasn't good news for me, regarding my surgerical procedures, because of this collapsed lung, i can't have anesthesia (i hope i spelled that correctly), so my neph called, and told me, that they will have to put off, the surgery until next month sometime. Of course this very much was disappointing news to me, because like i mentioned during my early return to hemo, i don't like doing hemo from a catherer, well i will have to endure it for a little while longer, and besides after this draining procedure is complete, i was told i should feel much better, and have more energy, as it was very draining for me, i would cough consistently all day, and then at night, and i had very restless nights, having to sleep on top of four pillows, just to get some relief from shortness of breathe. I know what you say, when it rains, it pours, my sentiments exactly, but i am a trooper, i been through so much through out this 20 yr journey, and i have triumph, with my faith and belief in him, i know all things are possible, and like i always say, God is always in the business of healing, but something good came out of this, i can still participate in our annual PKD walk for the cure event in San Francisco on Oct 9. I didn't want to have my surgery before that time, as i needed to go through a recovery stage, and i may not be able to do my booksigning, as i look forward to that every year. I will be having my draining procedure, next wednesday. Wish me all the best. Until my next blog, take care and all the best to my followers.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Saturday, September 3, 2011

hi all, in this early morning, i can't believe i would be so pissed. Now the scenarios, i arrived at the unit at 5:15AM, promptly did the usual, took my weight, and then i passed by the reception desk, where there was a nurse (whom i wasn't aware, would be the one to put me on). This little part is going to bare some significance to the continued occurence, (please read on), i went to my assigned chair, and my daughter assisted me in draping my blue blanket over the chair, and then i sat down, waiting to start the preparation for my hemo treatment. Meanwhile, as i was sitting, Nuria (a tech), was right next to me, doing whatever on the computer. Now it is 5:30AM, and she had the audacity, to say, you are suppose to be put on at 5:30AM, so you need to be here at least, 15 minutes before that, and i looked at her with daggers, before i could say anything, she had already pissed my daughter off, so my daughter remarks with, "my mom was here since 5:15AM, and just waiting for you guys to start the preparation for her treatment, so then about 5:40AM, that same nurse that i saw sitting at the reception desk, saw me, and didn't even acknowledge me. I had to rebut with something to miss smarty pants, Nuria, when i came and sat down, you were standing right next to us on the computer, Then i continued by asking her, you remind me of this absent minded professor that i used to work for at USF, and she said, why, because girl for the life of me, i don't know why you didn't see me come in, and sit down at my assigned chair. You know that girl, didn't even apologize to me, for pissing me off with that time sh!t (excuse my french, i don't usually curse), but she truly made me angry, as she has done this two times before. My daughter started observing the big clocks on the wall, one behind me and the one on the far back wall, in which my daughter said, these clocks are not in sync, she also remarked to Nuria, you be looking at that clock that is on the back wall, and this one (pointed at the clock), truly is behind by 8 minutes, and that other one behind my mom, isn't accurate either, is 6 minutes behind, so tell me, what clock are you looking at?, or are you looking at your own personal watch, that may not be accurate as well, Tiffany was saying this with disgust in her voice, i could hear it as plan as day, like a mother, i told her to calm down and sit down. Then to top that off, i had just spoken to my case manager (Ray), about challenging my target weight, and i then told this to the nurse, that was connecting me to the dialyzer, and she said i don't have any orders from the doctor for that, they said to take you down to 46kg, is what i have documented here, and then began to get angry, as Ray assured me, that he would talk to one of the nurses about changing this on the day before treatment. After i am on for 15 minutes, another nurse decides to come over, i guess when she had some leisure time, to tell that nurse, about her conversation with Ray yesterday, after hearing this from that other nurse, the nurse changes my target weight to 45.5, but you know what! that nurse, didn't even apologize to me, after this other nurse relayed the message from Ray, or the one that took her own sweet time, getting this message to the nurse, when i think if she was professional enough, she should have documented this on my flowsheet for today, and then there wouldn't be all this trying to persuade my nurse assigned to me, that they needed to challenge my target dry weight. I have just about had it with this old incompetent unit. The main issue with this unit, is that they don't all communicate, where a pts. well-being is concerned. I can't wait to have my surgery and get off this damn hemo. I miss PD so much, i never realized this, until i had to make this temporary return to hemo. After the treatment was over, i returned home for a 2 hour Nap, and then my husband, (always thinking of something sweet to do), tells me to get up and get ready to take a ride, and then i thought maybe we are going to take one of those leisure trips, through the Napa Valley, but no, we went all the way to Tahoe, and i had a ball, i got to go to that huge Craft Market in Carson City, and as we were driving up to the craft store, i saw a dialysis unit called Liberty Dialysis, Carson City. I wanted to stop in, but we were pressed for time, as i didn't want to got to this no smoking casino for a spell. We left Tahoe and headed Reno. We decided to dine in Reno, before partaking in any slot machine enjoyment. We dine at this restaurant, a real nice restaurant, located above the Harroh casino floor. I dine on open face turkey sandwich, with mashed potatoes, a lots of gravy, with a side dish of cranberry sauce, and a dinner salad on the side, i know, that sounds like a thanksgiving dinner, but i don't care, i just loved my turkey dinner, while my husband daughter, indulged in the special, steak, eggs & hash browns. My husband & daughter were set on a steak dinner, even though it turned out to be a steak breakfast dinner, that they serve 24/7. When then finished our dinner, and went back down stairs to play the slot machines (my daughter & I having to hold our breathe, by putting our coat over our mouth and nose, but as we got deeper into the casino, we saw a couple of slot machines, that had empty ashtrays and we didn't spell anymore smoke from those darn cigarettes, i guess you can tell i am not a smoker or is my daughter, i guess my husband can stomach this smoke in the air, because he was once a smoker, three decades ago, he stopped cold turkey, when our daughter was born. I started off with $5.00, i didn't do very well, as i didn't bring the kind of money to play some serious slot machines, but i did stop at $10.00, and cashed in, and went to another casino called The Silver Legacy, and lost all of that $10.00, by that time, i was ready to go. My husband was playing Keno, and didn't win, but anyway, this trip wasn't about winning any fortune, my husband just wanted to get my mind off the occurences at the unit, and just have some fun and relaxation. Well, that is it for my blogging for today, until the next blog, take care and i wish all my followers all the best.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday, Sept 1, 2011

hi all, starting off the third month of hemo treatment, i lost count, of what treatment # this is. The usual, arrived at 5:15 AM, start time 5:30 PM, my actual time to start. About fifteen minutes into the treatment, i started to feel nauseated, so my UF was turn off for awhile, until the nausea subside, or if not, i would be administered some nausea relief medicine, but that was not the case, about a 1/2 hour after the UF was turn off, my nausea was completely gone. The nurse then comes back, and after she was aware that my nausea had subsided, she ask me, to bring my medications in to be evaluated, and i immediately told her, oh, you got to be kidding, i have enough with bringing this huge tote bag with these blankets, i haven't brought in medication, since i transition to PD. They keep a record of my medication regiment, and because i know all my meds, and have known for over a decade, i go over the meds, and any changes, that had been made during any of my hospital stays, in which, that is when i mainly have medication changed or adjusted in any way. Now, about my current meds, just before i returned to hemo, my meds hadn't changed much, but a month after being on hemo again, i was hospitalized and my b/p med was changed somewhat. I was taking cozaar for over three years, and when i was recently hospitalized, my cozaar (25 mg/twice a day) was changed to norvasc, (5 mg/once a day, my cozaar and coreg, was working very well for me, while on PD, i guess it doesn't work as well on hemo, go figure!. As you should be aware, my iron, vitamin D, & potassium supplements, have been put on hold, since returning to hemo, temporary, because i can get these meds administered through my tubing on hemo, so that is three less meds that i have to take on the regular, orally. I spoke with my case manager at kaiser, about my results from my ct-scan, done last saturday. My case manager, Ray, told me that from the results, it showed that i truly need to have my adrenal gland removed, and this is due to the numerous amount of hormones that they are producing, which is the main cause of my high b/p level, i am taking 3 b/p meds, plus a clonidine patch, to help in controlling my b/p level, and with this gland removal, my b/p can be controlled with less b/p meds, isn't that wonderful news, now, for some more bad news, my kidneys are crowding, because of the excessive amount of cyst on each kidney, plus you know it started with my return to hemo, that i needed to have an umblical hernia repaired and by the removal of both my kidneys, it would lessen the risk of the development of the reoccurence of another hernia. So, i guess you say, i have a great deal on my plate at this time, right! i continue to have faith and belief in the almighty up above, that i will triumph through all this, just like i have done in the past, with so much on my plate during my 20 yr. journey on dialysis. God is always in the business of healing. Well that is it for my blogging today, take care and all the best to my followers.